The Hanami in Akashi
(Japanese Cherry Blossom Feastival)
Please enjoy this current exhibition during the cherry blossom season in Japan and the oncoming autumn in Western Australia thank you.
Linda Fardoe
‘Banksia Leaves’
Mixed media on Canson paper 200gsm .
150 cm x 100cm
Michelle Bourne Wolinski Park- Duck Pond digital image |
Toyohara Kunichika 1835 - 1901
Courtesan with back ground cherry blossoms
Woodblock print 1861
Connie Petrillo
Is a mother of four boys and artist, this is a digitally made image of a child in a peaceful setting
unlike many who are now suffering in conflict zones
Sally Douglas - Devon Spring
Quarter sheet - watercolour egg tempera
Melissa Nolan McDougall - In the Snow
Oil on canvas
40cm h x 30 cm w