Gallery and
Osaka – Japan
Western Australian Artist’s Exhibition
The Western Australian Artists would like to thank you for coming to this
西オーストラリア アーティスト展 本展覧会にお立ち寄り頂きありがとうございました。 参加アーティスト一同
Caspar Fairhall Kevin Robertson Michael
Doherty Lynne Norton Cynthia Ellis
Diokno Pasilan Peter Davidson John Cullinane Chelle
Bourne Duncan McKay Connie Petrillo Sally Douglas Louis Moncrieff Linda Fardoe Ron Nyisztor
Melissa Nolan McDougall Jurek Wybraneic Shelley Cowper Ken Wadrop Pippa
Monique Tippett
Many thanks to all who came to the this exhibition and all the support received from around Australia,Japan and other coutnries from those who couldn't come as evidenced by the response on the Internet here are a few pictures of the show.