Tuesday 25 September 2018

The Wild Swan Art Group from Western Australia at the Be Kyoto Gallery - Kyoto - Japan

The Wild Swan Art Group exhibition at the Be Kyoto Gallery in Kyoto 
was held in a two hundred year old house that dates back to the Edo Period of Japan 
which now serves the local community as an art gallery and rental space. 

Gallery and back space with bench

 On there way through many of the participants (who are about to do there cultural engagements) stopped and viewed the artworks.The local community in viewing the artworks then asked questions about certain images this was a good learning experience for them, as well as myself for it enlarges ones store house of memory with different ideas, plus for me it is fascinating to see how varied the ideas are behind human aesthetics. That is one of the common denominator  I have learnt about in taking the Wild Swans Art Group throughout  four countries and that  human taste is so diverse as to what people like, there doesn't appear to be a commonality unless it is enforced by external means, beauty is very independent.

Having a beautiful art space so close the street appears to deconstruct the communities loneliness for the local peoples, especially for senior members as they may visit space daily or once/twice a week, it then becomes part of their daily lives and not something apart and this is a wonderful outcome.

Street view of gallery 

Local Kyoto Gallerists talking.

To all the people that visited the exhibition in Kyoto 

thank you for coming